FMF – Try

I’m joining up with Kate and the authors (yes, it does sound like a band name, Marie) over at Five Minute Friday.  Today’s word of inspiration is Try.


I feel like I’m trying too hard and not accomplishing anything.  There’s a poem called “Try, Try Again.”  And it fits in with the old joke, “How do you get to Carnegie Hall?  Practice, practice, practice!”

I don’t know what I’m trying to do.  I don’t know why I’m trying so hard.  But I feel like I’ve been running for days and with no break in sight.

But is it too much to try?  I think my tag on this post is going to be ramblings.  I’m not sure what I’m even talking about anymore.  Maybe I’m trying too hard.  lol

But I do know that I have to try, no matter what, because my life verse is “Whatever you do in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord.”  (Colossians 3:17, NIV)  I always try my hardest, my best.  Because I’m not doing it for me, I’m doing it for God and His glory.  That’s what I do.  I try my best.

So I will continue to try, I will continue to run, and I will continue to do my very best.  Because God wants me to.  And in the end, that’s all that matters.  Right?


5 thoughts on “FMF – Try

  1. First, I love the thought of being in a band together!!! Kate and the Authors. Done.

    Second, I admire your desire to do it all for God. I pray He gives you the strength and ability to do all that you try to do. He is always there to be our strength.

    Love to you!

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  2. I love the thought of “Kate and the authors” as a band name! And I agree, even when we’re not exactly sure where we’re going, we can’t go wrong if we keep our focus on God and do our best for him.

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  3. Boy, do I “get” what you’re talking about here. The anxiety of working so hard for…what, you don’t even know. Just constantly feeling like you’re not “good enough,” whatever that is. Tonight I pray that the Lord will soothe you in a way that is special, something that you will immediately recognize as His presence.

    Also, thank you for linking back to my post. What we have to decide, though: What kind of band would “Kate and the Authors” be? I’m thinking punk. 🙂

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  4. I completely get what you are trying to say. I feel the same way. One day I feel like I’m trying so hard and just spinning my wheels. Then, I’ll think I’m not doing nearly enough. It’s a tiresome game. All I can say is keep on keeping on.


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