It’s Wednesday. Hump day

To be honest, I never really understood why it’s called “hump” day. Yes, it’s the middle of the week, but why “hump?”

I didn’t forget to write yesterday. Truly, I didn’t. I just went to bed before I got to it.

So catch up time on my gratitudes:

  1. Typewriting class. I will forever be grateful for learning how to use a typewriter correctly.
  2. Warm Sweaters. My office is above a warehouse, with open bay doors, so sometimes, it is very chilly. Warm sweaters come in very handy. My current favorite is a fluffy pink one.
  3. Coffee. I had a dance with insomnia last night. Coffee is my friend this morning.
  4. Podcasts. I like to listen to podcasts such as No Dumb Questions and Ten Minute Bible Hour and That’s the way I heard it. It makes my commute go so much smoother.
  5. Date night. We’re trying hard to make date night a thing, even if it’s just “we’re both too tired to do more than watch TV in the same room.”
  6. Doctors and medicine. I thank God that He gave us the brains to figure out how the world works and how to find and use medicines. I don’t understand not believing doctors.
  7. Acappella. When I was growing up, there was a group of singers that traveled around and gave concerts to churches, youth rallies, church worship rallies, etc. They were called Acappella. I listened to their cassettes over and over and over. I’ve started trying to listen to them again on Spotify, and it brings back memories, and it helps to hide scripture in my heart. I’m very thankful for them.
  8. My friends. We’ve made some very near and dear friends here. Friends who reply on Twitter. (I’m looking at you Humphrey. And Wanda.) Friends who have birthdays today. (Happy birthday Kelly!) People we love. Thank you for my friends.
  9. My blog. I know it sounds weird, but I’m proud of my little corner of the internet. Little known fact, my blog is now 15 years old. I meant to celebrate, but life has been busy.

Well, that should be enough for right now, right? This is going to take some time to get back into the groove of posting daily, so bear with me while I get the hang of this again. I hope you have a fantastic day, and that you find at least one reason to be grateful today. Let me know what your reason is, okay? We can be grateful together.



Well, that was a mistake. I wrote down my list at work. And then I left it at work. I know part of what’s on it. Like friends that respond to tweets. And keyboarding class. But I forgot the third and fourth things.

So I think I’m going to wait until tomorrow and post double. Deal?


Starting again

I’m either starting again or starting over. It keeps coming back and coming up. That whole gratefulness and gratitude thing.

I don’t mean to sound put off by it. I just find it ironic that my blog is called “Grateful Everyday,” and I have to be reminded year after year that I need to be grateful.

So I’ll start again. Day 1.
Grateful: feeling or showing an appreciation of kindness; thankful.
Gratitude: the quality of being thankful; readiness to show appreciation for and to return kindness.

  1. Dale. He truly has been the biggest blessing in my life, including tonight when I needed encouragement.
  2. My bed. It sounds ridiculous, but I love my bed. It supports me in all the right spots. I don’t like being away from it for very long. lol
  3. My family. My girls, my sister, my in-laws, my nieces and nephews, my mother in law. I am blessed with a loving family.

So in an effort to make an attitude of gratitude, I’m going to be trying to post daily. The blog is Grateful Everyday, not every other month. I’m going to be playing praise songs on a daily basis. I’m going to be reading scripture. And I’m going to try to take pictures of things that I am grateful for.

Please join me as I start over in my quest to be

Grateful Everyday



I have been reminded, again, that gratitude and gratefulness are imperative to life, and quite possibly, or probably my relationship with God.

So I’m going to start again. Three things everyday that I am grateful for.

  1. sunrises. I’ve been blown away by the sunrises I’ve seen this week. Thank you God for allowing me to witness them.
  2. Coffee. Need I say more about the deliciousness of a good cup of coffee?
  3. Challenges. The challenge has been to read a book called Confronting Christianity. I just started listening to the audiobook this morning, but I think it will be beneficial to me in my relationship with God and how I relate to those who dislike religion.

That’s it. That’s my start. I’ll try to write more tomorrow. I’m going to challenge myself to write everyday. Until then-

Hugs, Melinda


I guess I’ve been on a hiatus of sorts.  I’ve been so busy with my new job and just trying to find a new normal and new routine, that my blog has been largely ignored.

But I’m going to do my best to get back to the original purpose of this blog, which is to be grateful everyday.  So, I’m going to try posting one gratitude every day.

What that means is that my blog entries are going to be shorter, but I should be more frequent.  

So, gratitude for today.  Today, I am thankful for Thanksgiving.  I have many memories of family Thanksgivings and singing and pies and trips to Missouri.  I am thankful for Thanksgiving.  
