31 Days – Bouquet

This post is part of my series 31 Days of Simply Writing.  Every day for the month of October, I will be taking a one word prompt and writing for 5 minutes, similar to what I do for Five Minute Fridays.  Today’s word is Bouquet.


I knew exactly what I wanted.  Daffodils and roses.  I had 18 Daffodils and 12 roses.  Or maybe the other way around.  It’s been almost 20 years after all.

It was so very heavy.

My mom bought it for me.  I had paid for almost everything else, but she paid $82 at the best flower shop in town.

I was concerned that there wouldn’t be any daffodils ready.  March 8th is so early in the season.  If everything doesn’t go exactly right, then there aren’t any until mid April.

But my wedding bouquet was one of the most beautiful thing I had ever seen.

Not only that, but there were enough jonquils in our front yard that I was able to get enough for 2 very large vases for the banquet tables.

They are so yellow, so bouncy, so sunny.  Such a wonderful sign of spring.

I have so many wonderful memories of all of the daffodils and jonquils in my daddy’s front yard.  I even remember the hybrid that we got that started blooming randomly in our front yard.  It was considered a double ruffed variety.  It was so unique and beautiful.

I love flowers.  I love roses and lilies and daffodils and hyacinth.  I believe that Heaven will be filled with the most wonderful bouquets of flowers.

Thank you God for showing us a small glimpse of your glory in the lilies of the field.


Consider how the wild flowers grow. They do not labor or spin. Yet I tell you, not even Solomon in all his splendor was dressed like one of these.

Luke 12:27 (New International Version)