Day off

Sometimes, you just have to take some time off. Today has been filled with a Target shopping trip, making jambalaya, and a session of D&D with friends. I’ll be back to cybersecurity study on Monday.

Oh, and a second round of interviews on Tuesday. Pray that I get over my cold before then.


Long time, no see!

It feels like it’s been a while since I wrote… *checks last post date*
Well, I guess it’s been over a year. Facebook reminded me that I have an anniversary coming up on this blog. In 3 days, I will have had a blog for 18 years. That seems outrageous, but interesting to think about at the same time. I have had so much life happen in that past 18 years.

This blog has gone through many variations of what it is, and what it means to me. It’s been a place to keep long distance parents up to date on grandkids’ activities and growing up. It’s been a place to practice gratitude (and still is to an extent). And I have to think about what I want it to become in the future. Do I want to keep it? Do I want to still develop it? Do I want to use it for other things?

Long story made short… I find myself looking for employment again. And lacking specific experience in the field I want. I do have a course I’m working through to try to gain more knowledge. One of the many random pieces of advice I’ve seen recently is to keep a blog of all the things you are learning so that it shows what you are actively doing in the way of your field. So… I’m going to try it. I’m going to try to study every day and then write a blog post about what I’ve learned.

I am specifically trying to learn more about cybersecurity. I was blessed with the opportunity to go through a “Grow with me Google” cybersecurity course. A lot of what I’ve learned so far has been a refresher for my Sec+ certificate. I’m not going through it as fast as I want, because life has happened, but I am still going through it. Currently, I’m on the Firewalls and Network security section.

I’m also planning on getting a trial version of Splunk to use on my VM. Almost every single security analyst job description I’ve seen has had knowledge of Splunk as part of the description.

Oh yeah! I have a practice Windows VM. And theoretically, a Kali Linux set up as well.

It has been weird to transition from being a stay-at-home mom to someone who is actively trying to pursue a career. But it’s also been very fulfilling. I enjoy working.

Okay, I think this post is long enough for now. I’ll try to come back Monday for the anniversary of my blog. Have a good day.


Writing Reports

Today has been full of writing reports. That seems to be a lot of what I do these days. I patch holes and manipulate data. Today has been good, because my reports have been used and referenced and my name keeps getting mentioned. It makes me feel valued and useful. 😊

  1. I am grateful I have a good job that I can learn so much about.
  2. I am grateful to have a manager who doesn’t mind me asking a million questions.
  3. I am grateful that I can take as long as I need to work on the reports that I get asked to make.
  4. I am grateful that I can reword things and communicate what’s needed as needed.
  5. I am grateful for my husband and all the little things he does that says “I love you.”

It’s been a good day. I’m getting ready for a good weekend. My friend is getting married on Saturday. We’re having drum rehearsal and then a party on Sunday. I’m feeling good. And I’m so thankful.


Back to Basics

I think it’s safe to say I’ve been in a season of struggle. It’s been hard to get to the church building. But when I have, it’s been worth it. Our church has been our family. Trying to reconnect not with everyone, but with one or two special groups of people, reaching out on an individual basis has been helpful.

Two things were made obvious this past Sunday. 1) I need to give my trust over fully to God. So much harder to do than to say. I will be working on this the rest of my life. 2) I need to continue to be thankful. The easiest way will be to add to this blog, hopefully every day. So with that in mind, I will tackle the easy one first.

  1. I am grateful for my new puppy (Oh, I’ll have to do a puppy post with an overload of pictures soon!)
  2. I am grateful for my friends Gena and Karen.
  3. I am grateful for our new elders at church. Especially the one who seemed to know I needed prayers on Sunday.
  4. I am grateful for The Chosen. A good series about the ministry of Jesus. It touches my heart.
  5. I am grateful that I still love my new job. I learn so much all the time.
  6. I am grateful for my manager. He’s very encouraging with me trying to get and stay healthy.
  7. I am grateful for our preacher and that God gives him the words to say.
  8. I am grateful for a new opportunity with KCRF.

I think that needs to be all for tonight. I will try to post again tomorrow.

Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash

My job and career

Today’s list is in relation to my current job, my position, my career. For those who don’t know, I have been work for Cavern Technologies in Lenexa, KS as the Network and IT administrator. Which is totally cool and awesome and a great step for me! Except that I’ve been the only one doing it for 3ish months. Cavern Tech was “acquired” by LightEdge Solutions last year, and while it’s going to be a process, I’m going to be transitioning into a new role of OS Management. I’ve already started. So here goes my gratitude list for the day.

  1. I have had an amazing manager, who took a huge risk to hire me as a network admin without the necessary experience.
  2. I have an amazing new manager, who realizes that it’s not an all-or-nothing process, that it’s going to take time to join his team completely.
  3. I have a new to me Women’s IT group that is perfect for me. Women in Security KC. I appreciate that it’s not strictly coding, that it’s more about what I do enjoy with IT and computers.
  4. Actually, with the exception of one, I’ve had fantastic managers all around.
  5. I’m grateful that I feel like I’m narrowing down my focus in IT a little bit more every year.
  6. I’m thankful that I didn’t have much scheduled for today and could take my new boss on a tour of my data center.
  7. I’m grateful for my favorite restaurant that I could eat a hamburger today.

That’s it for today. I’m grateful for my chosen career and how it seems to be advancing. I’m happy in my work and I hope everyone gets to experience that at least once in their lives.
