FMF – Mail

This post is part of both Five Minute Fridays (where we all join up at Kate’s blog to get a one word prompt and then write unedited for five minutes) and my Write 31 Days project (which is one month of one word prompts).  Today’s prompt is Mail.


One by one they came.  The cards.  The sympathy cards mixed in with the birthday cards.  The mail was overflowing to bursting for a week, maybe more.

“So sorry for your loss.”  “She’s in a better place.”  “Happy 30th Birthday.”

What are you supposed to do with cards like that?  Do you keep them?  Why?  They are just a grim reminder that you’ve lost one of the most precious people in your life, and only 4 days before your birthday.

Those are the days that I hated the mailman.

Other days I love him.  We have indulged in purchasing Loot Crate this year.  It’s really fun, because we don’t open it unless all 5 of us are here.  And it’s really interesting those fandoms that Princess knows and loves and the fandoms that Dale loves, and the fandoms that I love.  Those are happy mail days.

And I’m trying to read the Bible and remember that it is God’s letter to us.  A love letter, if you will.  He sent us his son and gave these words to his people so we would know just how far he would go to save us.  Because he loves us.  That is happy mail from God.



6 thoughts on “FMF – Mail

  1. Melinda so sorry for your loss. I kept all the cards when my Mom died. They are in a box in a closet. I need to let them go.


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