Wow. It’s been a bit.

It’s not that I mean to forget to post. I just get so busy.

Let’s see. June 11, 2011. I joined Weight Watchers later that night. I’ve been trying to follow the program, because honestly, I’m tired of being overweight. I’ve been watching my dad get sicker and sicker and I don’t want to be like that.
As of last Saturday (August 6, 2011), I’ve lost 18+ pounds! πŸ˜€ I started running last week. I’m using the Couch to 5K program. I can’t believe I’m running! It’s taking time, but … actually, I can’t believe I’m enjoying running.
Dale will be home on August 22 on leave. I’m very excited. Today also marks his being gone for 6 months. I have missed him horribly. I plan on having lots of fun while he’s home. He’ll be home for 3 weeks.
Oh, also, Sweet Pea joined a homeschool cross country team. We go to practice Mondays and Thursdays. She runs a mile every day, and does push ups and sit ups. She’s developing a discipline that I didn’t learn until I was much older. I am very proud of her.
I really can’t think of much else, but I wanted to say hello, and no, I haven’t forgotten you bloggy world. πŸ™‚ Until later.